Christmas baby Ethnic AA Coco by Natali Blick Coming soon...

Happy Sunday everyone.  I wanted to give a quick rundown of what I've been up to.  I'm excited to say that the Prototype twins Maiya & Kian both sold. They are going home to the same mommy.  That makes me so happy.  I'm currently working on 3 other prototypes that will be announced shortly AND I'm working on my Xmas baby Coco by Natali Blick.  I think she's turning out adorable.  The Xmas season is so busy for me because friends & family wanting me to make dolls for their children for the Holidays.  It can definitely become a bit overwhelming.

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Mine was FANTASTIC!  I'll leave u with progress pictures of Coco.

Chloe Protype #5 by Debbie De Graaf update

Happy Thursday everyone. I'm just dropping in to give a quick update on Chloe's progression. I'm loving how she's turning out. She's reminding me of an Middle Eastern baby so I'll leave her ethnicity up for interpretation. I've been practicing taking better photos. I'm awful with photography and I always wish my photos looked better. This week I've been focusing on white balance. I must say I'm not perfect yet but I don't have to get rid of nearly as many photos. Most of the ones I took came out the camera pretty close & that awful color cast that always happens to me was so much better. 


Happy Monday everyone!  I'm dropping in to give a quick update on what I've been up to.  It's been a super exciting & amazing time for me regarding reborns.  As you know, Cassie Brace gave me the opportunity to reborn my very first Protoype!  She sold on eBay yesterday & she was my biggest sale so far!  My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw that she had sold for $4250!!!!  I can't thank Cassie enough.  Because of her, new opportunities were opened up for me!

I am currently working on my 2nd Prototype!!

Chloe by Debbie de Graaf
I received her on Friday & I'm nowhere near finished but she's a little cutie.  She's limited edition of 400 kits produced by Debbie Moore.  She is open for preorders now.  She will be approximately 21 inches long when finished & she has the most detailed limbs.  The vinyl is extremely soft & very easy to paint!  Here's a sneak peek!!!

I'm really enjoying working on her & I can't wait to share her!  I hope to be finished painting by the end of the week.  Happy Painting Everyone!

Ethnic AA Biracial PROTOTYPE Leelou Brace is not on eBay!

Ethnic AA Biracial Leelou PROTOTYPE is finally on eBay! Please cheer her on!  She is also currently on pre-order until October 8, 2014.  Don't miss out on this little cutie.   You can view the auction HERE.  If you're not already following me on Facebook, please do so.

Amazing news still rolling in... and Prototype LeeLou Brace update

Today has been another such a blessing.  First I wanted to share an update on my very first Prototype. Can't you tell I'm proud???  I've been working around the clock to complete her timely.  I don't want to let Cassie Brace down. I just can't thank her enough for giving a nobody a chance! Thats says so much about her character.  She's been so sweet & encouraging.

Lee Lou Brace

She still has a lot of layers to go but isn't she an AMAZING sculpt?  Cassie really outdid herself on this one!  I personally will be ordering as well.  She will go on pre-order the end of September or Early October.  There will be no need to frantically wait at your computer. She will be open for pre-order for a week so order away!

Now.. the next BIG NEWS for me....  I was blown away when I was invited to be a member of IIORA!  Little ole me!!!  I asked Suzette was she really talking about me?  Did she make a mistake?  Did she have the wrong Crystal???  I almost cried because I admire all of the members there & can't believe I'm a member.  This has been the best 2 weeks ever!

Prototypes coming & more info on Leelou by Cassie Brace

Happy Saturday everyone. I'm popping in with exciting news! You may recall me telling you that I was contacted by the talented Cassie Brace to do my very first Prototype! I was so excited that I almost passed out! Well, she arrived yesterday & I must say she is absolutely PERFECT in every single way! She is so detailed & beautiful! I was so excited that I immediately ran around the house yelling "My Prototype is here"!! lol. My children thought I was crazy but I was too tickled & happy. I quickly washed her up & began painting her last night & let me tell you she is so stunning!

I will be forever grateful for Cassie giving me (a nobody) a shot with her photoshop.  Because of her, a couple of other doors have opened up for me.  I'm so very humbled.  Not many sculptresses would have done that.  I'm beyond words!

 Pre-orders will begin the end of September/ beginning of October & will be open for a week so you will definitely have the opportunity to purchase her if you want. I plan on purchasing 2 of them. Here are more photos of her from Cassie.

To my surprise, I was also contacted by 2 more sculptresses asking me to do prototypes for them.  I could not believe it!  It was if I was dreaming!  I'm so excited & so very thankful for Cassie opening up these doors for me.  

My very first prototype!!!

Happy Saturday everyone!  Today has been an EPIC day for me!  The extremely talented sculptress Cassie Brace asked me to do my very first prototype of her LeeLou sculpt!!!  I almost fainted when she asked me lol! (No really... I'm serious.  I really almost fainted lol).  I couldn't believe she asked me.  I immediately started shaking! To top it off.... Leelou is absolutely gorgeous!! Look at those details!!!  OMG I'm in love!!!  I want to thank Cassie from the bottom of my heart for giving me this opportunity.  I already know exactly how I want her to look! Wish me luck guys!

Leelou by Cassie Brace
Prototype coming soon...

Ethnic biracial AA Rainer Strydom finally getting hair

Happy Labor Day everyone.  Today I wanted to give an update on Rainer Strydom.  She's finally getting hair. I've been rooting her for the past few weeks but I'm such a slow rooter.  Luckily, the vinyl is divine to root!  I still have to finish painting her as well but she's coming along nicely.  (These are not her permanent eyes).  I'm waiting for them to come in.  For more pictures, please follow me on Facebook.

Fallon Gabrielle ~ Ethnic AA Biracial Esme by Laura Lee Eagles on the Bay

Happy Sunday everyone!  I'm giving a quick update.  I finally put Esme Eagles (now Fallon Gabrielle) on eBay.  I love this little one so much & wanted to keep her so bad.  I hope she finds an AWESOME mommy.

Jakobi is finally getting hair....

Quick update for those who don't have Facebook.  Jakobi (Trinity Donofrio) is finally getting hair.  When I first saw this baby, he immediately reminded me of this kit.  I'm excited to see him with a head full of hair.

If you have Facebook, please follow me Here

My love for Esme Eagles is REAL... Funny Story.....

Happy Monday everyone.  As I was preparing to ship out one of my Esme sculpts, I realized that I seriously went insane when it came to this sculpt.  I literally lost my mind! lololol

Well, let me explain....

As the days led up to the pre-salel of Esme, I became paranoid that I wouldn't get her.  I dreamt about this kit for 2 entire weeks!  I became so paranoid that I decided that I needed to take off of work to ensure that I would be sitting at my computer in time to press the "BUY" button at EXACTLY 12 pm.  Taking off of work STILL didn't ease my anxiety of not getting the kit so I decided to enlist some help.  I needed some WARRIORS to fight with me for her!  I needed some troopers who were willing to sit at their computers at least 30 minutes early to hit the "BUY" button.  I needed to find some other people who happen to be just as insane as I was to understand that this was not a game! This was serious business & I needed some ride or die-ers in my camp.  Because on this day ESME WOULD BE MINE!!! lololololol

Well,  the ladies on the forum that I belong to always meet on pre-order days & we help each other get kits for those that may miss out.  We look out for each other that way.  Well, I enlisted 1 person from my forum to ride with me.  I enlisted my husband to ride with me.  I enlisted 2 of my sisters to ride with me & I was riding for myself!

I called everyone on pre-order day to remind them of what their duty was.  NOTHING else mattered that day.  (Mind you everyone was spread across the Country).  I gave them all the speech!  FAILURE WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED!  At least ONE of us would have to get this kit because she was IMPORTANT to me!!  As the clock ticked down, my legs became numb, my heart rate became accelerated & my adrenaline was out of this world!  ESME WOULD BE MINE AT ALL COSTS TODAY!  5 minutes until 12 I started hitting the refresh button!  Zoned in on the spot where the Paypal button would be.  I must have hit the refresh button a gazillion times!!  But I didn't care! This was WAR!

When the Paypal button finally showed, I hit the Paypal button immediately & within seconds BAM I was out of there!  I managed to get 2 kits!  My girl from the forum was able to get me 1 from Mcphersons.  My husband managed to get 2 Esme's & my sisters all came thru in a crunch.  All I was hoping was to just get ONE kit & ended up with a whopping 11 kits!!!!!!  Every single one of us was able to grab at least 1 kit!  I couldn't believe it!  I was sooooo happy!!!!

I managed to sell 3 of the kits at the price I purchased her for & traded 2 for kits that were on my wish list.  I'm currently working on 1 & still have 6 untouched kits left.  To be honest, I love her so much that I don't think I'm going to get rid of any more of them.  One will be a keeper baby for me & I have at least 2 other skin tones in mind for Ms. Esme.  The others, well.... I may just wait for a rainy day.  

I know this post is silly, but I just wanted to poke fun at myself.  There are so many more important issues in the world than purchasing kits, but my love for this kit is REAL!  this was MY baby & I was going to do whatever I had to do to get her & I'm so glad I did!  Please enjoy the rest of your evening!

AA, Ethnic, Biracial Quinlynn by Laura Lee Eagles is ready for adoption

Happy Saturday everyone. I must admit it's been an exhausting week!  I've been having problems getting messages from my Blog. Please don't hesitate to contact me on my WEBPAGE or FACEBOOK page with any questions. In the meantime, I wanted to give u a Quinlynn update.

I'm finally ready to put Quinlynn up for adoption.  She's $1800 & will come with lots of extras.  I must admit, I almost kept her because I fell in love with her & everyone knows I NEVER collect my own reborn babies.  Here are some updated photos of her.  If she doesn't sell within the next couple of weeks, she'll be off to eBay.  Please know that I do have a very flexible layaway plan.  She will never be duplicated, so if you love her, please purchase her.

**Click photos to see enlarged images**

Please more photos HERE or check out my Facebook for Work in Progress photos of this little one.  

AA, Ethnic, Biracial Esme Eagles WIP. I'm totally in love

I finally received my Esme kit by Laura Lee Eagles & she is everything I dreamed she would be & more.  I'm currently working on an Ethnic, Biracial, AA one & I love her progress.  I can't wait until she's finished.  Sneek peak below...

I still have lots of detailing to do but I'm loving her progress

Lotus Stoete now Cai Quiao - SOLD

Hi everyone!  I'm just dropping in to give a quick update with the Nursery.  I'm finally feeling better & I've been painting like crazy & finally finishing up some babies.  If you remember I started rooting the Lotus sculpt months ago.  She's just been waiting for her turn to get her eyes set & put together.  She has "porcelain" skin tones.  Which I interpret as not much mottle & very soft pale skin.  She's finally completed & is SOLD.  Her new mommy wanted a name change from Quiao Xing to Cai Quiao which I think suits her perfectly.  Here are some quick snap shots of her.  The quick photos make her appear darker than she is because the sun has been missing for the past few days but she will have a proper photoshoot soon.  I hope her new mommy loves her.

AA Bircial Ethnic Rainer Day 2 WIP

Just a quick update on Rainer Stydom. This is day 2.  If you follow me on Facebook then you know how nervous I have been regarding painting Rainer. I searched for this kit for over a year!!  The reference photo that I'm using has a filter over it so I'm making small adjustments.  I still have a long ways to go but I'm happy with her progress.  Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Combination hair (Painted & lightly rooted) completed- Pic Heavy

Happy Saturday everyone.  today is just a quick post on Quinlynn's hair progress.  I'm happy to say that   her hair is completed & I absolutely love it!  She is extremely lightly rooted.  Progress pictures below.  What do you think? Yayy or Nayy?  I'd love to hear from you.  Please follow me on Facebook for more photos.

Commitment to better photos....

Hey guys.  I know it's been a minute since I last posted but I've been sick as heck!  I'm still under the weather but I'm feeling a tad better.  This post was supposed to be up last week but it's better late than never right?  Today I'm going to talk about photography.

Have you ever seen photos of a reborn baby and just fell in love with everything about the pictures?  The pictures are perfect from the pose, to the clothing, to the lighting to the background, to the focus and exposure??? Just everything about it draws you in???  Now let's be clear.  I'm not talking about photos that have a bunch of filters or edits on them.  I'm strictly talking about just great pictures.Well, I have and I'm making a commitment to learn how to take better photos.

Step 1 was getting a better camera & I have.  I've upgraded to a Canon 60D.  And to be honest, this is probably the highest I'll go as far as a DSLR camera.  I'm not a professional photographer & this camera should do more than what I need it to once I learn how to use it.  I've had people from Facebook & ARC cheering me on & helping me thru this process & to be honest, I can really see a difference.  Thank you Kristen (the "Torch" really helped--:::::inside joke::::).  Cherie Ann & Lil Jo--I appreciate you guys so much.  There have of course been others, but these are the ladies that are constantly helping me.

Step 2 is practice, practice practice.  I was trying to practice every day just to learn the settings & see what they do but unfortunately I got sick. I'm going to get back to that as soon as possible. Anyway, I wanted to past a couple pictures of my progress.  You can checkout my Facebook for more progress photos.

As you can see, I'm getting a little better.  I'll post more of my progress later on.

"Shout Out Sunday" Staci from Kootenay Reborn Nursery

Happy Sunday everyone!! Today is all about spreading the love & giving a "Shout Out" to one of my absolute FAVORITE artist!  Her name is Staci & she's the amazing artist behind Kootenay Reborn Nursery.  As I stated in a previous post, I will be dedicating Sunday's to artists that I admire & that I'm inspired by.  Staci is absolutely one of those people!

Kootenay Reborn Nursery is located in Canada.  You can find her on Facebook here.  Please take a moment to like her page.  You won't be sorry.  Staci may not be one of the "big named" artist but her work is just as good if not better.  In fact, one of her babies just won 2nd place in the ROSE/DEDS doll show last week!  CONGRATS STACI!  Very well deserved!!  She has such a great heart & doesn't mind sharing her "trade secrets".  In fact, I credit HER for teaching me how to paint hair.  Her tips and tutorials have been a game changer for me.  For that, I will always be grateful!  Ok, enough of my blabbering on!  Let's get to the good stuff! The pictures!!!

Thank you Staci for being an inspiration!!!  I look forward to seeing your future creations
