Commitment to better photos....

Hey guys.  I know it's been a minute since I last posted but I've been sick as heck!  I'm still under the weather but I'm feeling a tad better.  This post was supposed to be up last week but it's better late than never right?  Today I'm going to talk about photography.

Have you ever seen photos of a reborn baby and just fell in love with everything about the pictures?  The pictures are perfect from the pose, to the clothing, to the lighting to the background, to the focus and exposure??? Just everything about it draws you in???  Now let's be clear.  I'm not talking about photos that have a bunch of filters or edits on them.  I'm strictly talking about just great pictures.Well, I have and I'm making a commitment to learn how to take better photos.

Step 1 was getting a better camera & I have.  I've upgraded to a Canon 60D.  And to be honest, this is probably the highest I'll go as far as a DSLR camera.  I'm not a professional photographer & this camera should do more than what I need it to once I learn how to use it.  I've had people from Facebook & ARC cheering me on & helping me thru this process & to be honest, I can really see a difference.  Thank you Kristen (the "Torch" really helped--:::::inside joke::::).  Cherie Ann & Lil Jo--I appreciate you guys so much.  There have of course been others, but these are the ladies that are constantly helping me.

Step 2 is practice, practice practice.  I was trying to practice every day just to learn the settings & see what they do but unfortunately I got sick. I'm going to get back to that as soon as possible. Anyway, I wanted to past a couple pictures of my progress.  You can checkout my Facebook for more progress photos.

As you can see, I'm getting a little better.  I'll post more of my progress later on.


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