My love for Esme Eagles is REAL... Funny Story.....

Happy Monday everyone.  As I was preparing to ship out one of my Esme sculpts, I realized that I seriously went insane when it came to this sculpt.  I literally lost my mind! lololol

Well, let me explain....

As the days led up to the pre-salel of Esme, I became paranoid that I wouldn't get her.  I dreamt about this kit for 2 entire weeks!  I became so paranoid that I decided that I needed to take off of work to ensure that I would be sitting at my computer in time to press the "BUY" button at EXACTLY 12 pm.  Taking off of work STILL didn't ease my anxiety of not getting the kit so I decided to enlist some help.  I needed some WARRIORS to fight with me for her!  I needed some troopers who were willing to sit at their computers at least 30 minutes early to hit the "BUY" button.  I needed to find some other people who happen to be just as insane as I was to understand that this was not a game! This was serious business & I needed some ride or die-ers in my camp.  Because on this day ESME WOULD BE MINE!!! lololololol

Well,  the ladies on the forum that I belong to always meet on pre-order days & we help each other get kits for those that may miss out.  We look out for each other that way.  Well, I enlisted 1 person from my forum to ride with me.  I enlisted my husband to ride with me.  I enlisted 2 of my sisters to ride with me & I was riding for myself!

I called everyone on pre-order day to remind them of what their duty was.  NOTHING else mattered that day.  (Mind you everyone was spread across the Country).  I gave them all the speech!  FAILURE WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED!  At least ONE of us would have to get this kit because she was IMPORTANT to me!!  As the clock ticked down, my legs became numb, my heart rate became accelerated & my adrenaline was out of this world!  ESME WOULD BE MINE AT ALL COSTS TODAY!  5 minutes until 12 I started hitting the refresh button!  Zoned in on the spot where the Paypal button would be.  I must have hit the refresh button a gazillion times!!  But I didn't care! This was WAR!

When the Paypal button finally showed, I hit the Paypal button immediately & within seconds BAM I was out of there!  I managed to get 2 kits!  My girl from the forum was able to get me 1 from Mcphersons.  My husband managed to get 2 Esme's & my sisters all came thru in a crunch.  All I was hoping was to just get ONE kit & ended up with a whopping 11 kits!!!!!!  Every single one of us was able to grab at least 1 kit!  I couldn't believe it!  I was sooooo happy!!!!

I managed to sell 3 of the kits at the price I purchased her for & traded 2 for kits that were on my wish list.  I'm currently working on 1 & still have 6 untouched kits left.  To be honest, I love her so much that I don't think I'm going to get rid of any more of them.  One will be a keeper baby for me & I have at least 2 other skin tones in mind for Ms. Esme.  The others, well.... I may just wait for a rainy day.  

I know this post is silly, but I just wanted to poke fun at myself.  There are so many more important issues in the world than purchasing kits, but my love for this kit is REAL!  this was MY baby & I was going to do whatever I had to do to get her & I'm so glad I did!  Please enjoy the rest of your evening!


Shaylen said...

Bahahaha! This one kills me! I have the very same feeling coming up for Miracle. I was really smitten with Q. Not very into Esme. And into Knox. BUT I LOVE MIRACLE! AND I NEED HER. I usually start getting anxious about preorders a week in advance, but this time I'm already sweating in. LOL! BUT funnily enough, I also ended up with extra Esme's. One of my reborn friends also wanted a ton, and we were both worried we'd not get ours so she had someone buy for her too, and she ended up with 5 and I ended up with 4. (2 which were a back-up in case her three others didn't go through). I just finished my first but def thinking about selling at least one. I want to love her so much more than I do. Yours are amazing. I love the varied skin tones. Can't wait to see the next ones!! And also, hahaha, I stop everything to sit by the computer as the time clicks by. Then I count the seconds. :D

Anonymous said...

Please sell me one??

Anonymous said...

Lolol thank u Shaylen!

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