Amazing news still rolling in... and Prototype LeeLou Brace update

Today has been another such a blessing.  First I wanted to share an update on my very first Prototype. Can't you tell I'm proud???  I've been working around the clock to complete her timely.  I don't want to let Cassie Brace down. I just can't thank her enough for giving a nobody a chance! Thats says so much about her character.  She's been so sweet & encouraging.

Lee Lou Brace

She still has a lot of layers to go but isn't she an AMAZING sculpt?  Cassie really outdid herself on this one!  I personally will be ordering as well.  She will go on pre-order the end of September or Early October.  There will be no need to frantically wait at your computer. She will be open for pre-order for a week so order away!

Now.. the next BIG NEWS for me....  I was blown away when I was invited to be a member of IIORA!  Little ole me!!!  I asked Suzette was she really talking about me?  Did she make a mistake?  Did she have the wrong Crystal???  I almost cried because I admire all of the members there & can't believe I'm a member.  This has been the best 2 weeks ever!

Prototypes coming & more info on Leelou by Cassie Brace

Happy Saturday everyone. I'm popping in with exciting news! You may recall me telling you that I was contacted by the talented Cassie Brace to do my very first Prototype! I was so excited that I almost passed out! Well, she arrived yesterday & I must say she is absolutely PERFECT in every single way! She is so detailed & beautiful! I was so excited that I immediately ran around the house yelling "My Prototype is here"!! lol. My children thought I was crazy but I was too tickled & happy. I quickly washed her up & began painting her last night & let me tell you she is so stunning!

I will be forever grateful for Cassie giving me (a nobody) a shot with her photoshop.  Because of her, a couple of other doors have opened up for me.  I'm so very humbled.  Not many sculptresses would have done that.  I'm beyond words!

 Pre-orders will begin the end of September/ beginning of October & will be open for a week so you will definitely have the opportunity to purchase her if you want. I plan on purchasing 2 of them. Here are more photos of her from Cassie.

To my surprise, I was also contacted by 2 more sculptresses asking me to do prototypes for them.  I could not believe it!  It was if I was dreaming!  I'm so excited & so very thankful for Cassie opening up these doors for me.  

My very first prototype!!!

Happy Saturday everyone!  Today has been an EPIC day for me!  The extremely talented sculptress Cassie Brace asked me to do my very first prototype of her LeeLou sculpt!!!  I almost fainted when she asked me lol! (No really... I'm serious.  I really almost fainted lol).  I couldn't believe she asked me.  I immediately started shaking! To top it off.... Leelou is absolutely gorgeous!! Look at those details!!!  OMG I'm in love!!!  I want to thank Cassie from the bottom of my heart for giving me this opportunity.  I already know exactly how I want her to look! Wish me luck guys!

Leelou by Cassie Brace
Prototype coming soon...

Ethnic biracial AA Rainer Strydom finally getting hair

Happy Labor Day everyone.  Today I wanted to give an update on Rainer Strydom.  She's finally getting hair. I've been rooting her for the past few weeks but I'm such a slow rooter.  Luckily, the vinyl is divine to root!  I still have to finish painting her as well but she's coming along nicely.  (These are not her permanent eyes).  I'm waiting for them to come in.  For more pictures, please follow me on Facebook.
